Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Marcel Proust, according to Evelyn Waugh (1948)

I am reading Proust for the first time. Very poor stuff. I think he was mentally defective.


  1. A quote that strikes me as ironic in the very least since _Brideshead Revisited_, while beautiful and profound in many ways, is very evidently an adaptation of Proustian principles of sensorial association... and yes, all the more striking since, as Waugh claims in 1948 to be reading Proust for the first time, yet published Brideshead several years earlier. I find his disclaimer to be the Very Poor Stuff he pretends Proust to be.

  2. Waugh's litterary philosophy was that an author ought to indicate his character's feelings and throughts through actions. He dispised anything that hinted of 'stream of consciousness' or psychologizing. I think that is what his criticism was getting at. Also, I think the sensorial association could come from several sources, not simply Proust.
